Being an Inspirational Leader

How anyone can lead with inspiration and why they should.

Sunshine bath

We could all use a little more inspiration.

Hey there, it’s Karen. So glad you’ve joined our weekly newsletter where I cover one tip for becoming a better leader or manager. I draw from prior experience as a b-school professor, HR executive, executive coach, CEO, and start-up founder. In all these capacities, I’ve seen how poor leadership can undermine individual and collective success.

In this week’s newsletter, we are talking about the how to inspire a team in current-day leadership. Let’s face it, between the media sharing mass layoffs every other day, the economy feeling off, and the return to work, hybrid, remote debate still going strong - we could all use a little inspiration.

When inspiration strikes *maybe

Inspiration may come from a mid-afternoon latte, a quick dog walk, or a conversation in the break room but it should also come in the form of active leadership.

What’s the difference between motivation and inspiration? Motivation is driven by incentives and inspiration is driven by a mutual excitement about the future. Simon Sinek talks a bit about how important this is in the short clip below. He says inspiration is about vision, communication, and empathy. Check it out.

How inspiring other drives potential

Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Inspiring others is all about creating an environment conducive to being inspired. That environment is most possible when :

You act like a transformational Leader

Transformational leadership is a powerful approach to leading other because it inspires and motivates teams by creating a vision and empowering individuals to achieve it. Focus on building strong relationships with your team members, providing them with a sense of purpose, and encouraging personal growth and development. By setting high expectations and being a role model, you can ignite passion and drive within your team.

The team feels as though there is psychological safety

Psychological safety is crucial to inspiration because it creates an environment where individuals feel safe to take risks, share ideas, and express themselves without fear of judgment or retribution. Encourage open dialogue, active listening, and inclusivity. By valuing diverse perspectives and fostering a culture of psychological safety, you can inspire your team to think creatively and contribute their best work. You allow them to be inspired and inspiring!

The team become fluent at authentic and transparent communication

Be open about both the positive and challenging aspects of the organization. Share information about the company's strategies, objectives, and progress. Encourage two-way communication and actively listen to your team members' feedback and concerns. By fostering a culture of transparency, you can create a shared sense of purpose and inspire your team to navigate uncertainty together.

Everyone has a growth mindset

A growth mindset is the belief that talents and abilities can be developed through effort and learning. Encourage your team members to adopt a growth mindset by emphasizing continuous learning and improvement. Provide opportunities for skill development, offer constructive feedback, and celebrate progress. By nurturing a growth mindset culture, you inspire your team to embrace challenges, learn from failures, and strive for excellence. You help them find the inspiration within themselves!

You, as the leader encourage true autonomy and ownership

Granting autonomy and empowering individuals to take ownership of their work can be highly inspirational. Delegate responsibilities, encourage independent decision-making, and create opportunities for your team members to showcase their expertise. By giving them a sense of ownership, you inspire creativity, innovation, and a greater commitment to achieving shared goals.

You don’t have to be one for a “fists-in-the-air” half-time pep talk to be inspirational. You need to create the conditions, as a leader, that allow inspiration (not just motivation) to be a part of the everyday work and then watch your team exceed your wildest dreams!

Want to learn a little more about inspiration (and motivation)?

That’s it for today but one more thing: if someone forwarded this email and you’d like to sign up for Up and to the Right, we’d love to have you:

Lead on,
